[ { "label": "Add a metafield value as a tag if product is published", "trigger_type": [ "product_custom" ], "object_type": "product", "app_id": "triggers", "settings": { "priority": 0, "condition_groups": { "1": { "conditions": { "2": { "field": "product.published", "settings": { "value": "true", "condition_type": "AND" }, "weight": 999 }, "3": { "field": "product.tags_array", "settings": { "multiple": "none", "operator": "equals", "value": "PUBLISHEDWEB", "long_value": "None", "token_object_type": "product", "condition_type": "AND" }, "weight": 999 } }, "actions": [ { "type": "product_add_remove_tags", "settings": { "token_object_type": "product", "add_tags": "PUBLISHEDWEB", "remove_tags": "", "wait": "0", "cw_timezone": "Africa\/Nairobi", "custom_wait": "" }, "weight": 3, "target_key": "product" } ] } }, "shared_workflow_id": 34102 }, "description": "This automation is fired when a product is created or updated. The workflow checks if the product has been published and does not have the tag PUBLISHEDWEB. If the condition passes, it adds the tag to the product. " } ]