[ { "version": 1, "label": "Set compare at price as the old price on price change", "trigger_type": [ "product_created", "product_updated" ], "object_type": "product", "app_id": "triggers", "settings": { "priority": 0, "condition_groups": { "1": { "conditions": { "1": { "field": "product.twig_condition", "settings": { "title": "Check to see if the price has changed.", "value": "{% set price_changed=false %}\r\n{% for product_variant in product.variants %}\r\n{% if product_variant.price != product_variant.database[\"price\"] %}\r\n {% set price_changed = true %}\r\n{% endif %}\r\n{% endfor %}\r\n{% if price_changed %}\r\ntrue\r\n{% endif %}\r\n", "token_object_type": "product", "condition_type": "AND" }, "weight": 999 } }, "actions": { "1": { "type": "trigger_child_workflow", "settings": { "target_path": "product.variants", "exported_workflow": { "version": 1, "label": "Variant subworkflow", "trigger_type": [ "manual" ], "object_type": "product_variant", "app_id": "triggers", "settings": { "priority": 0, "condition_groups": { "1": { "conditions": { "1": { "field": "product_variant.twig_condition", "settings": { "title": "", "value": "{% set price_changed=false %}\r\n{% if product_variant.price != product_variant.database[\"price\"] %}\r\n {% set price_changed = true %}\r\n{% endif %}\r\n{% if price_changed %}\r\ntrue\r\n{% endif %}\r\n", "token_object_type": "product_variant", "condition_type": "AND" }, "weight": 999 } }, "actions": { "1": { "type": "database_key_value", "settings": { "wait": "0", "custom_wait": "", "resource_type": "variants", "resource_id": "{{ product_variant.id }}", "key": "price", "value": "{{ product_variant.price }}", "token_object_type": "product_variant" }, "weight": 999, "target_key": "product_variant" }, "2": { "type": "product_variant_set_fields", "settings": { "wait": "0", "custom_wait": "", "fields": { "compare_at_price": { "value": "{{product_variant.database[\"price\"]}}" } }, "token_object_type": "product_variant" }, "weight": 1009, "target_key": "product_variant" } } } } } } }, "weight": 999, "target_key": "product" } } } } }, "description": "This automation will set the variant's compare at price, to the previously existing price every time the price is changed." } ]