[ { "label": "Export all taxes for last month's orders", "trigger_type": [ "order_bulk_op" ], "object_type": "order", "app_id": "triggers", "settings": { "priority": 0, "condition_groups": { "1": { "conditions": { "2": { "field": "order.closed_at", "settings": { "operator": "after", "value": "first day of last month", "check_date": [], "use_timezone": 0, "timezone": "shop", "token_object_type": "order", "condition_type": "AND" }, "weight": 999 }, "3": { "field": "order.closed_at", "settings": { "operator": "before", "value": "last day of last month", "check_date": [], "use_timezone": 0, "timezone": "shop", "token_object_type": "order", "condition_type": "AND" }, "weight": 999 } }, "actions": { "1": { "type": "google_sheets_v2", "settings": { "token_object_type": "order", "url": "[CLICK TO EDIT]", "settings": { "tab": "0", "update_mode": "", "primary_key": "" }, "cells": [ { "weight": "0", "value": "=HYPERLINK(\"{{ order.admin_url }}\", \"{{ order.name }}\") " }, { "weight": "1", "value": "{{ format_money(shop, order.current_subtotal_price_set.shop_money.amount) }}" }, { "weight": "2", "value": "{{ format_money(shop, order.current_total_tax_set.shop_money.amount) }}" }, { "weight": "3", "value": "{{ order.tax_lines[0].title }}" }, { "weight": "4", "value": "{{ format_money(shop, order.tax_lines[0].price) }}" }, { "weight": "5", "value": "{{ order.tax_lines[1].title }}" }, { "weight": "6", "value": "{{ format_money(shop, order.tax_lines[1].price) }}" }, { "weight": "7", "value": "{{ order.tax_lines[2].title }}" }, { "weight": "8", "value": "{{ format_money(shop, order.tax_lines[2].title) }}" } ], "wait": "0", "cw_timezone": "America\/New_York", "custom_wait": "" }, "weight": 999, "target_key": "order" } } } }, "shared_workflow_id": 84545 }, "description": "Bulk exports all taxes for all orders closed last month using Google Sheets. Includes order subtotal, total tax and tax per municipality. " } ]